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SANParks Vision 2040 is a collaborative, inclusive process that will re-imagine and co-create a new future for national protected areas with a rigorous effort to include the citizens of the country and the world in the co-creation of National Protected Areas of the future.

The development of SANParks Vision 2040 and the strategy to support it, through an inclusive process involving a wide range of stakeholders and building the organisation that can ensure the realisation of this vision, is at the heart of the phased project.

High-Level Approach

Key principles in the approach to the project implementation:

  • Agility – the ability of the project steering committee and management to drive an inclusive and effective process and respond to disruptors by adapting approach and process;
  • Well-resourced – optimal use of existing resources and raising additional resources;
  • Dedicated and enhanced internal capacity (not impacting on or impacted by standard operational demands)
    • Executive / GM level project management;
    • Co-opted expertise (different models);
  • Broad and in-depth stakeholder (internal and external) involvement; and
  • Shareholder buy-in.

Phase 1: Setting the strategic direction

In Phase 1 an inclusive and consultative process will be followed to imagine and co-create National Parks and the National Conservation Agency of 2040. Various scenarios will be explored and ultimately, the most desired future state will be agreed to. This will be “Vision 2040”, translated into measurable and reportable outcomes demonstrating the realisation of the Vision. Other deliverables of Phase 1 would be developing the agile strategy and action plan that will map the road (backwards) to realise these outcomes from the status quo.

STEP 1 – Design the future through a consultative, facilitated process. Considering ‘what if’ and ‘what wow’s’ considerations in different scenarios (blank canvas);

STEP 2 – On agreement on the scenario(s) to pursue, ‘publish’ the status quo report depicting where we are in relation to the current vision;

STEP 3 – Following the ‘future backwards’ principle, map the road from the status quo to the desired state (in-depth workstream lock-away sessions to develop Outcomes (measurable) for outer windows and Outcomes and Outputs (measurable impact) for the first implementation window (2024-25 to 2028-29);

STEP 4 – Develop a monitoring, evaluation and review system that can be used until 2040;

STEP 5 – Implement, monitor, review and refine the roadmap – with accountability to the youth representatives that will be Vision 2040 ambassadors, until 2040 when they hand over the baton to the next generation.

Phase 2: Agency of the Future

Phase 2 will focus on the development of the entity that will be best suited for the implementation of the new vision. At this stage, the focus will be on the form of the entity required to deliver a suitable business model together with the capacity requirements as well as the governance systems, policies and procedures necessary for a futuristic institution.

  • Literature Review and Interviews with identified MEs; GMs and SMs to confirm the status quo of work (Status of work on root cause analysis/diagnostic; identification of a solution; implementation of the solution and failures/successes in this regard). This should result in a status quo report identifying the gaps in these areas to be addressed through this project;
  • Identifying solution options based on scenarios (rescheduling outcome), priorities (recovery first) and resources for consideration by the Board and Management;
  • Design selected solution(s);
  • Develop a phased implementation plan; and
  • Assist with Transition and Change Management