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11 April 2023

The SANParks Vision 2040 Logo

SANParks Vision 2040 is a collaborative, inclusive process that will re-imagine and co-create a new future for national protected areas. As such, a logo was created to represent the long-term vision and strategy that will guide in determining the desired outcomes in the long term and the organisation of the future.

Eye: The Kudu eye is a reference to the South African National Parks (SANParks) logo, symbolising Vision 2040 being the vision for SANParks. Eyes are often associated with focus, truth, clarity, light, vision, prophecy, awareness and observation – making this a great symbol for envisioning the future.

Sunrise on the horizon: In the reflection of the eye, one can see a sunrise on the grassy horizon. The sunrise represents the future, re-awakening, inspiration and light. The sun symbolizes renewed life, as well as warmth and hope.

Kudu and Ranger: There is a ranger and kudu visible in the reflection of the eye. These elements signify SANParks, conservation and nature and look to the exciting future of the organisation.

Colour palette: Clay, deep reds and gold. The colours compliment the green used in the SANParks logo. It beautifully represents the earth, the ground and the warmth of Africa. Dark red is associated with energy, willpower leadership and courage.